Top 5 Smart Kiteboarding Tips for Beginners
For a beginner kiteboarder, there are a number of steps involved in the whole learning process. You may hear some same basic kiteboarding tips here and there and over and over again. However, there are a lot of things, but some of them you can only learn through experience. These things can not only help in making your kitesurfing journey much easier and smoother, but they can also help in keeping you safe. In this post, we will be sharing some kiteboarding boards tips that can help any beginner who has just started the kiteboarding journey.
These tips are not particularly about packing, how-to, or what-to, but these cover up any aspect that you may encounter during your kitesurfing experience. Let’s begin:
You’re all set and pumped up for your kiteboarding experience. You have your harness on, your lines are ready, and everything. But wait! Before you just run and connect the bar to hook it up to your harness, it is crucial to begin the right way. We would recommend you to do a few squats and perform some posterior muscle stretches. With good stretching, you will reduce the risk of any injury or any sort of back issues after your kiteboarding session.
When you are on your beginning levels, you need to take even more precautions than when you are experienced. There is a high chance that you may end up losing your kiteboarding board or you may encounter a failure in relaunching your kite. Therefore, it is crucial to wear a thick, high-quality wetsuit that can help in keeping you warm even if you fall in the water and may find yourself floating and drifting toward the shore for a long time.
The area where you choose to kite should be safe and appropriate for beginners. You need to take care of the wind and water temperatures and they need to be reasonable. The beginners that are taking the kiteboarding lessons should be motivated, but not impatient to just dive into kiteboarding. As for the water, it needs to be at least knee-length deep and should have a sandy bottom to reduce the risk of any sort of injury when kitesurfing.
Though at some kiteboarding locations, having your own kiteboard gear is not necessary. Trapeze, kitesurfing boards, and kites are provided during the session. But, you need to be prepared. Everything that you need for your kitesurfing lesson should be brought along by yourself. These include your wetsuit, shorts, or as per the temperature - only kiteboard shorts and a lycra t-shirt can be good. Shoes and gloves are crucial and need to be appropriate depending on the region.
As cliché as it may seem! Practice makes you perfect. Though it is true that no kitesurfer is perfect, there are always a number of new things to learn. It is true that for any sport you need a lot of practice. Don’t be disheartened if you didn’t perform well on your first time, or even the tenth time, just keep going. You’ll get better, we promise!
This is it from our side! For the best kiteboarding boards and kiteboard gear, check the vast portfolio of products offered by KiteLine, we’re sure you’ll certainly find something that you may be looking for!
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