How To Choose The Right Kiteboard Size

If you are new to kiteboarding, the size of the kiteboard is important to get progress in the kiteboarding training. You cannot copy what the professionals are using for kiteboarding, they play on a more advanced level, so, how to choose the right size of a kite? The size of the board is dependent upon your weight and your level of boarding.

If you did not know earlier, you will need different kite sizes for different wind conditions. There is no right size that fits everyone, which means universal size does not exist. The average weight of most riders is between 140-190lbs, and they need to start with a 12m kite. This is ideal for most riders. The size of the kite will help you to ride on the water on most windy days depending on where you live. Mostly you will need two kites, one for lower wind conditions and another for higher wind conditions.

We have made things simpler for you via this chart to explain the wind speed for you:

Big kite for lighter winds (14-18m) - 8-15mph.

Medium kite for normal winds (11-13m) - 15-20mph

Small kite for higher winds (5-9m) - 20-25 mph

There are some more things to understand about the size of kites. Kites are calculated by the sail areas in square meters. As we mentioned above there are different sizes of kites for different levels of riders. Three of them are the basic and most suitable for everyone: bow kites, C kites, and hybrid kites each of them flies differently. The first kites that became famous were "C" kites, they were the actual depower able inflatable kites and many riders still enjoy the direct feel that these kites give.

Commonly C kites are suitable for advanced riders and professionals. Professional riders need thrill and only a modern C kite can provide them this feeling. The next is bow kites, which significantly changed the kiting world. Bow kites have better and more complex harnesses that make depowering easy for kites than modern C kites.

The tradeoff kites failed to give a feel like C kites. As of now, hybrid model kites are more popular. Hybrid models are of two styles providing as much of the direct feel as possible while maintaining the significant depower ability of bow kites. Hybrid kites are occupying their space in the market and if you have explored around, you may have seen a lot of hybrid kites in the market. We will suggest you pick a bow and hybrid kites for yourself that are known as freeride kites.

If You Are NEW To The Sport

You should always begin with a bigger board that does not pull you too hard. This is the safest and easiest combination to initiate riding because initially underpower will help you lean and balance on the board. For more kiteboard sizes check out and select the right board size for yourself. The type of kite you should choose is a free-ride hybrid. As mentioned above these are the best all-around kites for beginners. Newbies can easily relaunch them, and they will sit well balanced and stable in deeper wind conditions so you have less chance for risk while learning. As we said kite sizes vary according to your weight and the wind conditions of the area you are riding in. So make sure to check the windy conditions of your area before jumping for a kiteboarding ride, determining the wind conditions will help you ride faster and safer.

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